USL Expansion Joints News

Forth Road Bridge - Edinburgh

Successful completion of the southbound carriageway with the northbound due to start March 2020.

Logiball Inc.

USL Structural Protection were contracted by Amey (S.E Scotland) to re-waterproof the approach viaducts leading up to the Forth Road Bridge. The work consisted of the following:


  • removal of the existing mastic asphalt system
  • carrying out concrete repairs to the deck
  • Preparation of the concrete deck to removal all laitance
  • Installation of 12,000m² of PmB waterproofing inclusive of the Hotmelt tack coat system to accommodate the shallow asphalt which was to be laid on top.


With the bridge being located in a difficult environment spanning over the River Forth and many homes and businesses that line its banks, USL Structural Protection encountered a number of challenges when completing the work. Firstly, due to the residential housing and local businesses situated below the bridge, there was no tolerance for any dust creation. Consequently, the normal deck preparation methods could not be performed meaning unconventional solutions needed to be devised and implemented.


Another challenge that arose was with weather. These works started in December 2019 meaning USL Structural Protection operatives had to battle against the elements in the already harsh environment to carry out the work over the winter period. The work is still on going with the southbound carriageway recently completed and the northbound work due to start in March 2020.


For more information please contact  +44 (0) 191 416 1530 or email

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