USL Expansion Joints News

Gateway Bridge - Burton

Burton Bridges form a major gateway into Burton. USL Structural Protection products were specified for refurbishment works on a £6.1million scheme to safeguard the future use of four structures including the iconic Burton Bridge and the “new” bridge which opened in 1863. Designed by the Midland Railway Company, the bridge was paid for by the Marquis of Anglesey, as Lord of Burton manor railways companies. The bridge took 18 months to complete and a general holiday was proclaimed to mark the completion of the engineering feat.

USL America

The four structures St. Peter’s Bridge, Staplehill underpass, Riverside Viaduct and Pumphouse Bridge provide main routes into Burton town centre carrying on average 24,000 vehicles a day each. Vital strengthening works were required on all structures, meaning HGVs could continue to access the town and ensure that all bridges, which form vital links through Burton will be free of unplanned and disruptive maintenance work in the future.


The scope of USL Structural Protection's works included removal of the existing waterproofing systems across all decks and the supply and application of 3600m² PmB spray applied polyurethane waterproofing membrane to meet the requirements for a high specification waterproofing system and protect the structures for many years to come. 


New expansion joints were required to replace the original joints with modern equivalents too allow for sections of the deck to move without affecting the road surfacing, preventing water leaking onto the bearings beneath. The solution was to use BP1 & BP3 buried joints and Britflex BEJ 5 expansion joint systems to accommodate 20mm and 50mm of horizontal movement respectively.


 For more information please contact  +44 (0) 191 416 1530 or email

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